Paris’ Pompidou Centre – 40 years on

“…it is the most stunning new ‘go-to’ to be seen in any city.” Architectural Review, May 1977 Forty years ago, the style and construction of Paris’ Pompidou Centre marked a revolutionary change in the design of public buildings. Loved and loathed in equal numbers by the public and the established order, it’s hard now to…

Rediscovering Annick Goutal, an old favourite

Annick Goutal fragrances were all the rage when I started working in the hotel industry, blah blah years ago. They were happily everywhere in fact especially in France for this perfume house is “La Belle France” personified. Then they seemed to fade a little from my view to be replaced by globalisation and its ubiquitous amenities. So…

The French Nativity

When I travelled over to the French Riviera last winter, I didn’t expect to be spending an afternoon looking at nativity scenes – but I am so pleased that I did. High up in the hills, an easy 30 minute drive from Nice, is the village of Lucéram, a medieval perched village which in 1988,…