A Very Singular Siamese …

Sometimes when you travel you meet someone extraordinary – and so it was with me when I visited Singapore and met a singular little Siamese cat called Jazzy. She is definitely Queen of all she surveys, is supremely beautiful and brooks no canoodling from casual aquaintainces – you have to earn her trust and then,…

Gong Hey Fat Choy for 2014!

I had wanted to experience Chinese New Year in an Asian location for many years so it was very interesting to be in the heart of the celebrations when I visited Singapore last year.  I understand Chinese New Year is dependant on the lunar calendar so the date tends to varies slightly from year to…

Flower Power: Everlasting Beauty

As a lover of nature and of art, imagine my fascination with two floral sculptures which I have recently seen on my travels – on two different continents! They share the same artist and sadly, the same overcast weather! The first is located in Rhone-Alpes, seen on a visit to Lyon last year, just off…